l 基地位于江苏省金湖经济开发区,占地146亩,建筑面积达70000多平方米。
l 引进大型进口机器设备,如:德国DEMAG、奥地利ENGEL等生产线,年生产能力50000吨以上,2012年销售额超过1亿美元。
l 拥有四大综合生产车间,集注塑、吸塑、挤出、热成型、吹塑、吹膜、复合、制袋等各种包装材料制品加工工艺于一体,是国内的专业塑料包装制品生产基地之一。
l 主要产品为一次性塑料餐具、食品包装、医药包装、医疗用品及器械、各行业使用的中间包材及各类塑料及复合包装材料。
l 公司与中石油、中石化、道达尔等塑料行业内质原料供应商长期合作,绝不使用回收塑料作为生产原料,从源头确保产品的安全可靠。
l 生产过程中,引进塑料行业内技术设备,从各环节严格按照标准,进行生产和质检。
l 产品均符合美国FDA安全标准,远销欧美,且产品完全可被回收再生利用,符合世界可持续发展及节能减碳的潮流。
l 国内认证:China Certification
l 认证:InternationalCertification
Jiangsu Yangs Group Industry Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009, with registration capital of $15,000,000.00 and total investment of more than $30,000,000.00. Yangs Group is a Sino-US joint venture and specializes in manufacturing a variety of high-tech, environment-friendly, plastic and composite material products.
Manufacturing Base
l We are located in the Jiangsu Economic Development Zone where we have over 24 acres of state-of-the-art facilities.
l Our Manufacturing Base possesses the first-class production lines, which are made up of imported machines such as DEMAG and ENGEL, with more than 50,000 tons annual manufacturing capacity. And our sales had over one hundred million in 2012.
l We own four integrated production workshops equipped with high speed injection molding machines, extrusion machines, thermoforming machines, blow molding machines, film casting machines, and a pouch machine, etc, and we are one of the leading plastic packaging production manufacturers in China and comply with the most demanding internationalstandards.
Business Scope
l Our core business is in the food and pharmaceutical industries where we provide liquid, food, and medical container and delivery mechanisms ranging from plasma bags and syringes to meal, sushi and cake boxes.
Product Feature
l We enthusiastically adhere to the high safety,high quality, and high environment-friendly, and are committed to becoming the best plastic products and professional R&D enterprise in the world.
l We have a track record of collaborating with the plastics industry’s top quality raw material suppliers, CNPC, CPCC, TOTAL and so on, tomake sure the high safety of our products.
l We cooperate with the top technology and equipment suppliers, and strictly control every step of produce process and quality inspection.
l Our products have been exported to the United States and Europe with U.S. FDA certification, and our products are energy-efficient, recyclable, and non-polluting.
Quality Certification
l China Certification
l InternationalCertification |
公司名称: |
江苏省凯延实业有限公司 |
公司类型: |
企业单位 (制造商) |
所 在 地: |
上海 |
公司规模: |
500-999人 |
注册资本: |
1000万人民币 |
注册年份: |
2010 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: |
制造商 |
经营范围: |
公司主要产品为食品、医药等行业使用的各类塑料及复合材料制品,如:塑料餐盒、寿司盒、水果糕点盒、血浆袋及注射器等 |
销售的产品: |
塑料餐盒、寿司盒、水果糕点盒、血浆袋及注射器等 |
主营行业: |